Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Aids Cure?

An HIV positive man in Germany has apparently been cured after receiving a bone marrow transplant, check it out!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Iraqi Government Fuels 'War for Oil' Theories by Putting Reserves up for Biggest Ever Sale

The biggest ever sale of oil assets will take place today, when the Iraqi government puts 40bn barrels of recoverable reserves up for offer in London.

BP, Shell and ExxonMobil are all expected to attend a meeting at the Park Lane Hotel in Mayfair with the Iraqi oil minister, Hussein al-Shahristani.

Access is being given to eight fields, representing about 40% of the Middle Eastern nation's reserves, at a time when the country remains under occupation by US and British forces.

Two smaller agreements have already been signed with Shell and the China National Petroleum Corporation, but today's sale will ignite arguments over whether the overthrow of Saddam Hussein was a "war for oil" that is now to be consummated by western multinationals seizing control of strategic Iraqi reserves


He said that if the conspiracy theory that western oil companies egged on US and British governments to invade Iraq were true, the plan could backfire on them and benefit rivals in Asia instead. "It is possible the American army has provided the economic stability that will encourage Malaysian, Chinese and other Asian companies to become involved," he said.

There is no precedent for proven oil reserves of this magnitude being offered up for sale, said Muttitt. "The nearest thing would be the post-Soviet sale of the Kashagan field [in the Caspian Sea], which had 7bn or 8bn barrels."

I can't fathom how major North American news outlets could ignore this story. It is most consequential for us and the people of Iraq, and yet the overwhelming majority of Americans are completely oblivious that these events are transpiring. We are sending young people to kill and die abroad for reasons that they nor we completely understand, while the truth is there in the open for everyone in the world to see except for us. If the public was aware of the truth that is staring them in the face they wouldnt stand for it a minute longer, so please if you care spread the word!

George Carlin: Education and the Owners of America

George Carlin was a KING, listen to what he's saying we were blessed to have had a man like him in the public sphere. Chris Rock, Jon Stewart and countless other comics were inspired by his words and style, so pay attention you wont regret it! Its an interesting commentary on our society that its our comedians who are the ones who we rely on to tell us the truth, as opposed to our "serious" commentators (cough).

Fed Defies Transparency Aim in Refusal to Disclose

The Federal Reserve is refusing to identify the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from American taxpayers or the troubled assets the central bank is accepting as collateral.

Fed Chairman
Ben S. Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said in September they would comply with congressional demands for transparency in a $700 billion bailout of the banking system. Two months later, as the Fed lends far more than that in separate rescue programs that didn't require approval by Congress, Americans have no idea where their money is going or what securities the banks are pledging in return.

Where is the reporting from the mainstream media about this? Today on CNN there was endless retrospection on the "entertaining" moments of the past election campaign, as well as countless human interest stories of varying absurdity. This is the state of our democracy people, these are the things we need to care about. The Federal Reserve is eating us alive and we're responding like the sheep we have been conditioned to become. Put down the People Magazine, the Xbox controller turn off Faux News, and be vigilant!!


Hello all this is the commencement of The Nature of the Threat, a blog that will be devoted to...what exactly? Reporting on the absurdities, blasphemies, tumult and general madness of the world today. A lot of news gets drowned out in the noise machine of the 24/7 news cycle; likely on purpose and I'd like to find those stories for people as well as provide my own commentary and ranting on world events and the general state of our society today.

So lets begin....